Warning : Translating in progress
IntroductionCet article a pour but de regrouper des connaissances que j’avais ou que j’avais envie d’acquérir.
VeraCrypt is an open-source disk encryption software, essential for data confidentiality as it protects sensitive information by making it inaccessible without the decryption key.
Exhibit from the Kunsthaus museum in Zürich.
Mount with a loop deviceSometimes, especially in forensics, you will have to mount iso images or .ad1 etc… Your kernel need to understand that this image is a filesystem.
YAPT - Yet Another Persistence Technique - 1 John Doe travaille pour une grosse entreprise française, il était dans le train et est parti aux toilettes sans vérouiller son ordinateur professionel.
Enquête sur le phishing des JO - Retracer l’attaque 1Mike O’Soft a été averti d’une campagne de phishing par le groupe THE HAMOR.
don’t wake me up, I want a snooze u will find everything on my laptop!!
Author: samaqlo
Let’s start by Wireshark, in HTTP streams we can observe that a strange thing is downloaded, let’s pick it We can also see the PDF downloaded.
I accidentally left my computer unlocked at the coffee shop while I stepped away. I’m sure that someone took advantage of the opportunity and was searching for something.
You know what to do. Get after it!
WARNING:“It’s a malware, BE CAREFUL”
ATTACHEMENT : saveme-chall.zip
Author: samaqlo
ReconWe have a zip file that contains a docm file named fuckmicrosoft.