AKASEC2024 - Sussy


Something Fishy’s Going on in Our Network

Author : d33znu75

Attachment : packet.pcapng insérer le pcap du challenge


Right after opening the pcap file, there’s something strange in the dns queries.

2000000afc0b3fdf3a28da5f0a6ecb43084ad4350bc3b867658.akasec.ma looks pretty sussy, let’s apply a filter :


frame.len == 120 && ip.src == && dns

Fine, there’s definitly something suspicious on the network. It looks like DNS exfiltration. Let’s extract all the queries.


In this part, I’m gonna use zeek to extract the fields that I need. Zeek can be used with docker, so in case of you don’t have docker :


sudo apt install docker.io

Pull the zeek image


sudo docker pull zeek/zeek

Let’s run the docker with share volume, for our host it will be the current directory $(pwd) and for our docker it will be /mnt. Make sure you have your pcap file in the working directory


 sudo docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt zeek/zeek

In the container, let’s run this command in order to extrat all the information in differents log files :


 zeek -r capture.pcap

And so, there’s dns.log that gives us all the information about DNS, so let’s cut the query field and grep on akasec, like we’ve seen in Wireshark.


cat dns.log | zeek-cut query | grep akasec > sussy

Now, we can print our sussy file, but the queries are logged twice. This is becasue the queries and responses are logged. In order to cut them, we can use sed to print one line of two :


sed 'n;d' sussy > sussybetter

We need to cut the akasec.ma domain name, so with sed (again)


sed -i 's/\.akasec\.ma//g' sussybetter

Let’s go to CyberChef and upload our sussybetter file, and select the From Hex recipe

As we can see, there’s a pretty cool magic byte in the ouptut that says we have found a .7z file !! Let’s download it directly in CyberChef

Let’s try to open it

It requires a password, but we don’t have it. Let’s crack it hehehe

Take the fingerprint :


7z2john download.7z > hash.txt

And crack it using the rockyou :


john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

bingo we found it : hellokitty

Let’s unzip it

A PDF document, let’s open it in GUI

A new password is required, so let’s crack it again


pdf2john flag > pdfhash.txt

It was really fast, the password is meow :)

And then we got the flag !

Flag : AKASEC{PC4P_DNS_3xf1ltr4t10n_D0n3!!}